Knowlton Parish Council

Knowlton Parish Council is an elected body in the first tier of local Government.  Local councils have the legal power to take action but have a limited number of duties.

Knowlton Parish Council plays a vital role in representing the interests of the community it serves and improving the quality of life and local environment. It can influence decision makers and deliver services to meet local needs.

The Government is encouraging local councils to deliver more services and play a greater part in their communities.

Town and Parish Councils are funded solely through Council Tax ('The Precept') and from income from any services they provide. They do not receive any direct Government funding or business rates.

They are run by councillors elected by the electors of the area. Elections are held every four years. If not enough people stand for election, the council may co-opt people to fill any vacancies. They may also co-opt people to fill vacancies which occur between elections.

Councillors are required to record possible financial interests which they or their spouses may have in a Public Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Councillors must record such interests on a form and disclose such interests at meetings of the Council and its Committees. 

Forms are available to view at  Knowlton Parish Councillors


Parish Councils appoint a Clerk (paid but often part time) to advise them, to carry out and record the council's decisions and to act as the 'Proper Officer'. Councils have to meet at least four times a year, including the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting, where they can be questioned by local electors. Their meetings must admit the public although for certain restricted items they may exclude them.


Our Responsibilities

The principal responsibilities of Parish Councils include: Planning, highways, traffic, community safety, housing, street lighting, allotments, cemeteries, playing fields, community centers, litter, war memorials, seats and shelters and rights of way.

What we do:

In the past year (1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021):
  • We raised a precept of £20,640 or £31.50 per household.
  • We have considered planning applications and passed on our comments to Dorset Council.
  • We have organised volunteers for litter collection in part of our area (mostly in and on the approaches to our villages).
  • We have maintained the Play Area at Burgess Field, New Road, Woodlands.
  • We have maintained the Pump House in Horton.
  • We have also made payments to assist in the regular maintenance of the church yards and burial grounds in our parish.
  • We pay for grass cutting at Woodlands Green, Wimborne St Giles Triangle and for street lighting at Wimborne St Giles.
  • We have contributed toward the 97 Community Bus Service which is a vital link to our residents for shopping and appointments.
  • We have installed two new Notice boards in Woodlands.
  • We have arranged for the refurbishment of the traditional wooden Finger Post signs.
  • We have made a donation toward the Citizens Advice Bureau which offers a valuable service to our residents.